
Relative Pronoun (Kata Ganti Penghubung) 'THAT' - Study Club English


Relative Pronoun "THAT"

Relative Pronoun "THAT" :
- Kata ganti penghubung (pendiri) artinya YANG
- Dipergunakan untuk pengganti dari :
a. Relative Pronoun WHO
b. Relative Pronoun WHOM
c. Relative Pronoun WHICH

Contoh kalimat :

REP That : Karim that will go to Jakarta is studying at SMA (Karim yang akan pergi ke Jakarta sedang belajar di SMA)
REP Who :  Karim who will go to Jakarta is studying at SMA

REP That :  I shall teach Hartono that you sent yesterday (Saya akan mengajar Hartono yang kamu antar kemarin)
REP Whom : I shall teach Hartono whom you sent yesterday

REP That :  The book that I bought yesterday is very cheap (Buku yang saya beli kemarin sangat murah)
REP Which :  The book which I bought yesterday is very cheap

REP That :  They meet Harry that will buy the book and the pencil (Mereka bertemu Harry yang akan membeli buku dan pensil)
REP Who : They meet Harry who will buy the book and the pencil

REP That :  That is Mr Jack that you saw in the garden last week (Itu Tuan Jack yang kamu lihat di kebun minggu lalu)
REP Whom : That is Mr Jack whom you saw in the garden last week

REP That  : He found the book that belonged to me
REP Which : He found the book which belonged to me


Terkecuali realtive pronoun 'WHO, WHOM, WHICH' tidak dipergunakan lagi tetapi harus diganti dengan relative pronoun 'That' apabila sebelum relative pronoun tersebut ada kata-kata : you, only, single, all,something, nothing, everything dan superlative adjective

Contoh kalimat :

1. That a single ticket was left could be given to him (Yang tiket tunggal tertinggal itu dapat diberikan kepada dia)
2. He has something that will be given to Fika and Elsy (Dia mempunyai sesuatu yang akan diberikan kepada Fika dan Elsy)
3. All that he has been said was true (Semua yang telah dikatakan dia adalah benar)
4. He is the only person that can arrange this match (Hanya dia orang yang dapat mengatur pertandingan ini)
5. There is something that he does know it (Disana ada sesuatu yang dia tidak mengetahuinya)
6. Nothing person that I found in the office (Tidak seorangpun yang saya dapatkan di kantor itu)
7. You do not known that they come with me (Kamu tidak mengetahui yang mereka itu datang bersama saya)
8. The only persons that attending the meeting (Hanya orang - orang tertentu yang menghadiri pertemuan)
9. This is the best story that I have found in the book (Ini adalah cerita yang paling baik yang saya dapatkan dibuku)
10. You that know so much about the letter can you tell me about it (Kamu yang lebih banyak mengetahui tentang surat itu dapatkah menceritakan kepada saya tentang surat itu)

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